
“Diamond of the Decade” JUDY WELDEN     

The official website for Judy Welden:  International Recording Artist, Award-winning  Songwriter, Inventor of Patented, Registered Bandana Hats, and Memoir +Screenplay Author. 


March, April, 2025 – Two more songs are being released. In March, “Church Called the Risen Son” will be my radio single release. In April it will be, Love Conquers All.  I wrote  Church Called the Risen Son in 1999, after returning home from Europe where I’d often sung “House of the Rising Sun” along with my original songs in the 7 countries I visited that summer. It needed new words I felt and chose to write Christian lyrics. It went on to be included on several of my albums and went to #1 on Music Review chart in 2000. Hear Church Called the Risen Son.  April release, “Love Conquers All”, co-written with Tina Billis and background vocals by Tony Diamond, has been a favorite of many since it’s first release on Woman of the 90’s CD.  It also went to #1 on Music Review chart after it’s initial release.Hear Love Conquers All Share if you like it as it will inspire those who hear it.

January, February, 2025 – As this new year begins, I’m happy to announce I’ll still be releasing two song every other month.  In January, the song I’m sending to DJs worldwide is Kisses, a favorite of many fans and DJs. Co-written with the late Rhonnie Scheuerman, it is a story song as is the single release for February, also co-written with Rhonnie, titled Your Handprint on my Heart. First released in 2012, it was mastered by 3-time Grammy winning producer, Phil York, who was planning on sending to it the Grammy team, but passed on before sending it. It is very suitable for Valentine’s Day and is a favorite love song for any time of year. Be sure to check out these songs on youtube. I’m also pleased to announce that my award-winning mini bio titled “Hello Dolly – Our Similarities are Showing” is included in an Anthology of award-winning stories of all genres that was just published in December, 2024.  Anthology is titled “Writers Unblocked” and is sold on Amazon.

November,December, 2024 –  I’m so pleased to once more release the fun song “Little Girls, Boys & Puppies”, again in November. Co-written with the late Rhonnie Scheurman, the video includes our grandchildren and those of some friends plus my then producer’s daughters laughing in the chorus along with their puppy barking. In December, I’m rereleasing Waitin’ For You ‘Neath the Christmas Tree”, solely written by me. Click on the songs to see the youtube videos. 

September, October, 2024 This is the latest I’ve ever released a radio single .  So much happened this
month already, but anyway, the single release for this month is Grandma’s Quilts, a true story song about my own family. It is my lyrics and music by Terrance Alan.  There’s a video of it here.  In October I’m releasing Gospel song, It’s a Miracle that has my lyrics and music by Roy Crabb. We have such beautiful weather in Georgia, you’d swear it was still summer.  I’m looking forward to the leaves changing, althougj it doesn’t happen for another month here.   Listen to It’s a Miracle here.

July, August, 2024 In July, one of my favorite songs is being released: Come On Home (My Soul’s a ‘Dyin)”. It’s on 3 of my Cds and was on the European charts with major artists when it was first released. Hear it at youtube. Click hear to listen/watch  In  August I’m releasing one of my favorite Gospel songs, which is also my most played song on Spotify: “My Savior’s Precious Blood” An interesting fact about it is that my version of  it was featured on a national televised Easter Show the year it was released. Hear it at youtube     

May, June, 2024 – In May, a favorite Gospel song is being released: “Guide My Heart”, which has my original lyrics and music. It’s a personal fave of mine too“Guide My Heart” Then in June, “Confusion (What’s the solution)” will be released.  My lyrics (with Mia Heylen‘s help) and music, it is basically a true story song for both Mia and myself). I stayed with Mia when I toured in Europe in ’98 and the story about this is in my Memoir, An Unstoppable Survivor. Here is the video: It needs more views, so please share Confusion (What’s the Solution)

March, April, 2024 – In March, I’m releasing a brand new song titled “I Look No Further”. It has my original lyrics with music by Ray Lani, who also plays guitar, bass & drums on the recording.  Vocals produced by Brian Bennett and Piano and strings are played by my first FL producer, Marc Rabins, who produced and is playing keyboards on my April release, “When I’m Chasing A Dream”, (included on Chasing A Dream & Best of Judy Welden CDs) which he produced. Listen at youtube:
I look no further  & When I’m Chasing A Dream

In, February, 2024 –  In January I’ll be releasing:    Macho Man (With a Marshmallow Heart) and in February:  Your Handprint on My Heart.

“Macho Man”, co-written with Jimmy Godfrey, is a fan, catchy tune. Watch it on you tube. Click here to listen. 

I’m releasing “Your Handprint on my Heart” for Feb. radio release as it is so suitable for Valentine’s Day.  You may recall it was to be nominated for a Grammy by Phil York (3-time Grammy winning producer) the first year it was released. Phil had mastered it but sadly had passed on before he’d sent it to the Grammy team.

It is a very special song, especially for Valentine’s Day. 
Your Hand Print On My Heart – Judy Welden (youtube video for the song.)

November/December, 2023 – “I’m Pain Shy” (Nov), co-written with Marc Rabins & “This Christmas (Spread His Love Around the World)”  co-written with Rhonnie Scheuerman (Dec) are late being released as singles due to many things going on at this time.  Firstly, I’m getting ready to record the last song I wrote.  I’d not had a local producer for several years. Finally I learned of a mobile service and will be recording “Look No Further” Nov. 21st. This song has my lyrics and music by Ray Lani, who plays guitar on the tracks.  Marc Rabins is adding keyboards to the track and mastering it.  It will be released in January 2024.  Speaking of 2024, I’ll just be releasing
songs every other month, two at a time…since I have so many songs.
See video of I’m Pain Shy and  video of This Christmas

October, 2023 – “You Are There For Me”, co-written with Roy Crab, (who composed the music), Judy Welden wrote the lyrics after a sad experience that had devastated her. Sung with much emotion, the song has always touched audiences, both on radio releases and when sung live. It stayed at #1 on Roots Gospel Chart for nearly 5 months, an unheard of fete! Hear it at
youtube.  Share with those you care about. “You are There for Me” is the first song on both FOREVER GRATEFUL & JUDY WELDEN GOSPEL CDs.

September, 2023 – “If You’re Man Enough” written solely by Judy Welden, is the radio single release this month. It was on Judy’s first
album, SHADES OF BLUE, as well as BEST OF JUDY WELDEN, released
in May 2018. Judy wrote the tune to be a slow, bluesy song; however the late producer Gary Buck, thought her first project needed more uptempo, so changed the rhythm!  This is a fave of many fans, You can hear/watch the video here.  Hope you enjoy it!

August, 2023 – “It’s a Miracle” (co-written with Roy  Crab) is the radio  single release this month.  There are miracles happening around us
every day; we just need to watch and listen.  “It’s A Miracle” was first released on Judy’s FOREVER GRATEFUL Gospel CD, and more recently included on her JUDY WELDEN GOSPEL CD, released in July, 2018. Written after Judy was inspired by one of the many miracles the Lord had given her, the tracks were produced by Nashville’s talented Kevin Wicker! Published by Songrite Creations Prodctns, the great video was made by Ulla Keller. If you like this happy video, please share with all those you care about & make their day!

July, 2023 –  The single being sent to radio stations is “Hurry Up Sunrise”, co-written by Judy Welden & Tina Billias, tracks by Kevin Wicker. It describes how it’s possible to miss a loved one with all our senses when they are gone.  You’ll love the video too. Hurry Up Sunrise

June, 2023 – The single being sent to radio stations is “Little Girls, Boys & Puppies”,  co-written by Judy Welden & Rhonnie Scheuerman. What makes the video so special is that both Judy & Rhonnie’s grandchildren
star in it as well as grandchildren of their friends. Their names are listed at the end of song.  The producer’s young daughters are giggling in the chorus as well as his dog, Minnie, barking too, which adds to the spirit and fun. Little Girls, Boys & Puppies (click to hear)

Also, Judy will be included with a full page bio in the 2023 Marquis Who’s Who annual book, to be available in December, 2023. At this time her full bio can be viewed in their online Marquis Who’s Who Top Artists (Judy Welden Full Bio).   Hope you’ll check it out

April & May 2023 – The April single release is “Love Conquers All” and for May I’m releasing “My Savior’s Precious Blood”.  However the latter is so
appropriate for Easter, I’m sending it to DJs today with “Love Conquers All”.  Here is where you can watch videos on youtube:  “Love Conquers All”
(special video has so few views, needs more!) and “My Savior’s Precious Blood” . which was  featured on a TV cable Easter Special in New England the year it was first released.  It is also my most played song on Spotify!   

March, 2023 – This month my radio single is “Church Called the Risen Son”, written in 1999, because when I’d traveled in Europe the previous
year I was constantly asked to sing “House of the Rising Sun”...and new
words were forming in my mind to make it a Gospel song. I wrote & recorded it and it soon became another of my #1 songs. Here is the youtube video of it:http://”Church Called the Risen Son”
MP3 of song is being sent to radio stations this month.  Hope y’all have a Happy St. Patty’s Day…and a wonderful spring!

February, 2023 – I’m releasing “Your Handprint on my Heart” for Feb. radio release as it is so suitable for Valentine’s Day.  You may recall it was to be nominated for a Grammy by Phil York (3-time Grammy winning producer) the first year it was released. Phil had mastered it but sadly had passed on before he’d sent it to the Grammy team.

It is a very special song, especially for Valentine’s Day. 
Your Hand Print On My Heart – Judy Welden (youtube video for the song.)


November, December,  2022 – Single radio releases for these months are as follows:  “Grandma’s Quilts” (November) and “Waitin’ For You ‘Neath the Christmas Tree” & “What I Want for  Christmas” (December). Although “Grandma’s Quilts” was not included on “20 Favorites” secular CD released in 2018, it should have been… as it’s a true story song about my family. Listen to it on youtube, and read what it says there about the video.  My friend Ursula made this video,stating it was from my (then) baby grandaughter, Kayla… and sent it to me on Mother’s Day (2019).  Kayla, Me, my daughter, Amy & daughter-in-law, Kevin (Kayla’s Mom) all appear in the video.  Waitin’ For You ‘Neath the Christmas Tree” was written for my
granddaughter, Angie (of 2012 Am. Idol fame) to record..but she was working on a cruise ship. So I recorded it as she requested.(click on song title to listen). Lastly, listen to “What I Want for Christmas”,  (on youtube)
the other Christmas song, which was on GRACE CD.

October 2022 – Single radio release for October is It’s A Miracle”, co-written with Roy Crab and included on Forever Grateful & Best of Judy Welden Gospel CDsClick here to see a video of the song. Published by Songrite Creations Prodctns, the great video was made by Ulla Keller.   
Hoping you find it inspiring. Judy had two book signings at the end of September. One was at the local Book Fair held at the Library on Sept. 29th. Other was at Next Chapter Book store (with friend, Carol Reidy) on Sept. 24.

September 2022 – single radio release for September is “Little Girls, Boys & Puppies”, co-written with Rhonnie Scheuerman and included on Best of Judy Welden CD. The video includes my granddaughters when they were toddlers as well as children & grandchildren of my friends!  I am on the cover holding husky puppies from when I toured Alaska. My producers little girls are giggling in the chorus and their puppy “Minnie” is barking!  I know you’ll enjoy this fun video. “Little Girls, Boys & Puppies”.   Also, I’ll be participating in a 2-author book signing on Sept. 24th and then again on Sept. 29th at a 30-author book signing at our library in a Local Author’s Fair.  I’ve been selected for inclusion in the 2023 Marquis Who’s Who book with a pictured, full-page bio as well as in their online “Top Professionals” in the arts division.

August, 2022single radio release for August is: “My Savior’s Precious Blood”, written by Betty Jean Robinson, and is included on both Judy Welden’s Gospel CDs (Forever Grateful and the more recent Judy Welden Gospel, 20 Songs of Faith, 25th Anniversary, released in July 2018. It is loved by many folks and was included as part of an Easter special on national TV when first released in the mid 90’s.  There are many versions of this special song on youtube, but few sung with the raw delivery of this one! Listen to: “My Savior’s Precious Blood”.  Or watch a version with special effects: Video by Ulla Kline

July, 2022 – single radio release for July is: This is America, written by Alan Licht, who won a song contest Judy Welden’s company sponsored in the mid 90’s.  Judy published & recorded it.  There is not a video of this song, so we are having another song this month, “One Nation”, also suitable for the 4th of July.  America is the only country to celebrate this holiday; however everyone can relate to the message of peace in “One Nation” …and it’s refrain “Under God”.  It’s video on youtube has very few views, so hopefully you’ll want to change that by giving it a listen! http://One Nation – Judy Welden/Phil Coley duet

June, 2022 – single radio release for June is: “Come On Home (My Soul’s a ‘Dyin)”.  This song was on charts with major artists when I traveled in
Europe in ’98!  Being that it is the favorite of my late brother, nephew and many of my friends, I thought I should release it again. Here is the video link of this special song.  Lyrics are included, so you can sing along!
Com On Home (My Soul’s a Dyin’)

May, 2022 – This month “Fishin’ For a New Love” is my single radio release.  Tom Littleby wrote music to my lyrics on this one.  In 1999 this song was “Song of the Year” by ICMA Germany and was on 3 of my CDs, Woman of the 90’s, JW Country Hits (’92-’98), and Best of Judy Welden (2018).  I hope you will enjoy the video of this catchy song. “Fishin’ For a New Love”  Also in my news this month is that I will be included again in the 2022-2023 edition of Marquis Who’s Who.  

April, 2022 – single radio release is Guide My Heart, written solely by me; however producer Kevin Wicker enhanced the chorus melody. Here’s the youtube video for this song. It was first on my Forever Grateful CD, then more recently on my 25th Anniversary CDJudy Welden Gospel.  I’m a bit late with my news as daughter Amy (from FL) was here for my April 1st birthday and stayed for the weekend.  We had a great time, going out to eat, hearing music, watching movies, etc.  It was a great time, especially after a
stressful month of having lost my 25 year-old email account, which ATT
finally was able to retrieve on March 31st!  I’m so thankful spring is here!!

In March, 2022When I’m Chasing A Dream, written solely by me, will be released to DJs for airplay.  You can watch a video of this special song here.  Actually there isn’t a video per se as this song was placed on youtube by CD Baby; however you can hear the music and see the CHASING A DREAM CD jacket, on which it was the first song (title cut). As many of my songs are, this one is a true story song & was one of my #1 songs when it was released.  I sincerely hope DJs will share this special song with their listeners this month as it has a catchy tune and listeners will want to sing along.  Please note that I now have a new email address, which is: authorjudywelden@att.net.

In February, 2022, Your Hand Print on My Heart (My Music & lyrics co-written with the late Rhonnie Scheuerman), will be released to DJs for airplay.  You can watch a video of this catchy song, here:  Or a more recent one with fewer views here.  It was 10 years ago when I first released this song for Valentine’s Day. It is very appropriate as it starts out “You will always be my Valentine”.  You may recall 3-time winning Producer, Phil York had mastered it and was to send it to the Grammy team, but had passed on before he’s sent it.  It was later played on I Heart Radio as I was being interviewed on Women’s Radio Network.  I sincerely hope DJs will share this special song with their listeners this month.

In 2022, Judy Welden is again releasing a song each month for radio stations worldwide.  One month a secular song, next month a Gospel song.
Click to see 2022 Single releases

In January, 2022, Macho Man (With a Marshmallow Heart) My lyrics & co-written with Jimmy Godfrey, will be released to DJs for airplay.  You can watch a video of this catchy song, click here.  
Or to see a newer video with special effects, that has very views, click here.
I wish you all a wonderful new year with blessings & joy galore!


December 31, 2021 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

December 17 – 23, 2021 – “An Unstoppable Survivor” is now an Amazon featured “Book of the Week”!  Here’s the notice from my publisher that was sent to tens of thousand on their mailing list today! (12/17/21). They
are selling it for what publisher charges me per book, so if you want me to send you a signed copy, I must charge $15 to just break even.  Thus, I
prefer $20 sent by PayPal, using address: judywelden@bellsouth.net

New post on Self-Publishing News 

                                                    December 17, 2021


This Week’s Amazon Featured “Book of the Week” is An Unstoppable Survivor by Judy Welden

by Outskirts Press

Now available on Amazon.com!
An Unstoppable Survivor by Judy Welden

(5 out of 5 Stars – 8 Customer Reviews)    Price: $9.35 (save 59%)

Stifled for two decades by an unloving husband, after his drowning death in 1980, Judy Welden helped her new husband set up his Chiropractic office, began writing songs (eventually wrote 400 +), started two publishing companies and two record labels.

Her Memoir tells of her earlier life and the struggles she endured in an interesting, often humorous manner.

Reading Judy Welden’s story will uplift the reader, motivating them to never give up on their dreams.

Learn More

December 4, 2021 – Double Book signing at Next Chapter Book store See flyer for Double Book signing

November/December, 2021 – DJs are receiving two songs this month.
The radio single for November is “Kisses” and the December single is “This
Christmas (Spread His Love Around the World)”, both co-written with
Rhonnie Scheuerman.  Hear these songs at youtube:     “Kisses
“This Christmas (Spread His Love Around the World)”
I will be having a Book signing at Next Chapter book store with fellow
author, Laurie Hyatt on December 4th, from 11 am to 2 pm.  Because my
Memoir will be an Amazon “Book of the Week” in Dec., I am giving a FREE CD (choice of  20-song 25th Anniversary CDs – Best of Judy Welden
(Secular) or Judy Welden Gospel with each book purchase. This will continue through December.

October, 2021 – My radio single release for October is Gospel song, “Lord, Take Me Back”.  With tracks by Phil Coley, it has same tune as my popular
song, “Come on Home”.  In the youtube video of it, I am performing it live in Gatlinburg, TN.  hear – “Lord, Take Me Back”  It was soon after I’d recorded “Come On Home” and I
hesitated at times, as that song was still stuck in my head! Even so it has nearly 2 thousand views. 

September, 2021 – My radio single release for September is “I’m A Survivor”. As you may know I published my Memoir “An Unstoppable Survivor” in April of this year. The song,“I’m A Survivor”, first released in the mid 90’s, is one of the 90 song lyrics that are included in it.  It will be released on Empty Sky Compilation CD with other songs this month by Rick Carbone of the Music Review chart.   Also, You can watch a video on youtube of me singing it in concert back at that time: I’m A Survivor  

I now have 6 five-star reviews for my Memoir at Amazon.  I’d be delighted if you would check them out (click on “6 ratings” at top of page or scroll to bottom of page):  “An Unstoppable Survivor”

You can read more about this Memoir at my website, which shows the best price to buy it (as low as $6) and at the Google link you can read all 24 Chapter titles and even read 10 partial chapters for free (Note: sorry to say they chose to leave you off at cliffhangers!) Read about book at Judy Welden’s website

August, 2021 – My radio single release for August is “Don’t Say You Love Me” (my lyrics – music by Michael Ries).  This was one of my late brother’s (DJ John Ernst) favorite songs I wrote.  The only reason it’s not on “Best of Judy Welden” Anniversary CD (2018) was because it was slated to be recorded by a popular singer from the Netherlands that year.  See the video made by Ulla Kellar.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ovB3tdaJ34   I was very fortunate to sell (on eBay) my popular CD (released 1998) “Judy Welden’s Country Hits” to a buyer who wrote a fantastic review of it on Amazon: 5.0 out of 5 stars A remarkable Chanteuse! Reminiscent of Patsy Cline & Ella Fitzgerald  Reviewed in the US by Michelle D. on July 26, 2021

Judy, you have a BEAUTIFUL voice! I was surprised actually because nobody sings like that these days..not even country singers. You’ve got that style that, to me, harkens back to Patsy Cline and Ella Fitzgerald. Women who were melodious, not screamers. I absolutely LOVE it! Your music was wonderfully healing to me as it helped me relax and feel happier during a prolonged illness. Being able to discern the lyrics I could start humming along which I love to do and what lyrics! You’re incredibly talented, my dear. Thank you so much. I’m thrilled to have discovered you. Now I need to purchase your autobiography, “An Unstoppable Survivor.” It’s got to be an amazing story! Judy, thanks a million. And God Bless!

co-wrote the song, produced it and made the tracks. Ulla K made a video with special effects for it. Watch video on youtube, for One Nation.  

As I wrote before I now have a web page for my published Memoir, “An Unstoppable Survivor”, which I hope you’ll check out (near end of page is incredible review by Ray Lani). Website link (for Judy’s Memoir)  
It has the best prices for purchase. You may prefer the digital or Kindle version.
You can buy it at Amazon in many countries overseas. I’m offering a free download of your choice of my 20-song 25th Annaversary CDs to anyone who writes a review on Amazon.  You must send an email to let me know though!

June, 2021 – My radio single release for June is “What Happens Now”, which I solely wrote in the 90’s with Crystal Gayle in mind. I chose to record it when she didn’t. Hear “What Happens now” on youtube 
I sang in a higher key back in those days.  My harmony in the song is my
natural key now.

May, 2021 – My radio single release for May is “My Precious Lord”, written by Sandra Stoflet.  Ursula Kiel made a special video for this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsNd5HKCl2A

My Memoir is now published.  Although it is on Amazon, it is rather pricey as it has 50 pictures & 90 original song lyrics.  However you can instantly download a $5 PDF on my publishers website: Click here to purchase download  Scroll down to where you see: “Download the PDF for $5”

In addition, you may see all 24 chapters, read 7 of them, and see all the many places to purchase on the Google site: Click here  Just scroll down to see everything!

April, 2021 – My radio single release for April is “Love is Like”, which I
solely wrote.  Watch the cool video “Love is Like” (with special effects) by
Ulla Keller.  This  song has been released as a single to radio on various comp. CDs, and was finally on one of my albums when it was included on Best of Judy Welden, released in May 2018. Tracks by Rick Taylor, aka Ricky Nicewonder, it is a heartfelt love song which compares love to many lovely things with refreshing imagery. I wish I could let you know more about my
Memoir, but it is still in the publishing process.  Hopefully it will be out by
the end of the month, but I can’t say for sure.

March, 2021 – My radio single release for “March is Mixture of Mary and Martha”, co-written with the late Rhonnie Scheuerman. I went to youtube to find a video for it, but there are only those put there by CD Baby, with the picture of the CD on which it was included (GRACE & JUDY WELDEN GOSPEL)  Both have so few views, I’m not going to add the link here.  I have
sad news today.  I learned that I can’t use the title I chose for my Memoir.
The publisher found out that Dolly Parton’s name is copyrighted.  I wish they would have checked that out before they accepted my book for publication.
My late husband always called me a “survivor”, so I’ve come up with a new title “Unstoppable Survivor, but the book will be coming out later than I’d planned, probably late April or early May.  I’m frustrated over this, but it’s not the end of the world…. I’ll survive! The name is appropriate, because not only am I a survivor, but I never let anything stand in my way, being a “do or die” type person, who won’t stop or give up until a problem or task is fixed, and completed! 

February, 2021 –  Just as I’ve done for the past years,  Your Handprint on My Heart, is the radio single release as it appropriately starts out “You will always be my valentine”.  I’ve been feveriously writing my Memoir, “Hello Dolly Parton – Our Similarities are Showing”,  and it is finally finished; however I still neeed to include 100 of my lyrics and add pictures.  Due to this reason, it will not be for sale at Amazon and other places that sell books until March or later.  I’ll advise when it is ready.
View Your Hand Print on my Heart

2021 is here – Let’s hope it is better than 2020! I’m busy finishing writing my Memoir.  Hope to publish it in mid March.  It will include 100+ of my original lyrics.  I’m starting out the year with an up-tempo song, “I’m Hittin’ the Road” This was my second #1 song back when it was first released.  It has an interesting story behind it, which I tell in my Memoir.  A recent widow, I’d met this rich guy, who just wanted to rent movies, make popcorn, serve me wine, etc.  Never wanted to take me out, so one night I arrived at his door and it appeared it was another night in, so I said “you know what I’m hittin the road!”  I later learned he had a steady girlfriend, who was often out of town, and didn’t want to be seen with another woman, in case one of her friends saw us together. Hear the video: I’m Hittin the Road 

Update:  I’ve just sent out my Christmas Greetings newsletter and the most exciting news is that I’m soon publishing my Memoir!  You may know I’ve been planning on writing about my life for over 10 years. Last November, then again this January, we saw shows about Dolly Parton’s life. Near the end of the first one, during a commercial, Bill looked at me and said “Her life was a lot like yours with all those music awards”. “Oh, but in a much grander way”, I told him. “She was on major labels which meant her awards were more significant than mine”, I added. It’s true though that we both have the title of International Superstar Songwriter as well as Loretta Lynn and others. At one time I planned on titling my book “My Life in Songs”, but I’ve since come up with “Hello Dolly Parton – Our Similarities are Showing” – Under that it will say “Memoir of singer-songwriter Judy Welden” 3rd Line will read “ Includes Pictures, Discography & 100+ Original songs”. I’m hoping to have it completed in March. I plan to have both soft cover and also a kindle version. Perhaps audio as well. Everything in my life is included, not just my career! Let me know if you are interested in buying a copy.   Email: judy@judywelden.com

November – December, 2020,  Two songs  are being released on Nov. 1st.
DJs need holiday songs early so I’m sending a Christmas song along with
“I’m Pain Shy”, my Nov. radsio single release.  “I’m Pain Shy“,  recorded in
Nashville by all the top musicians, was included on my very first album. It was of my many number one songs on an Indie Chart.  Several videos were made of it, but I’m including here the first one which is me performing it live at an art gallery in Stuart, FL Watch video of “I’m Pain Shy”  
Writer: Judy Welden – Publisher, Songrite Creations Productions

The Christmas song for December is “Waiting for you ‘Neath the Christmas Tree”.  I’d hoped my granddaughter, Angie Z., of America’s Got Talent Fame, would record it, but she was performing on a cruise ship at  the time, so I had to do the honors.  It really needed a young person to perform it, I thought, but Angie insisted ” Judygrams… you still sound young!”Watch “Waiting for you ‘neath the Christmas Tree” (video by Tonya Williams).  Writers: Judy Welden & Phil Coley – Publishing by Songrite Creations Productions. Wishing you all a great Thanksgiving and Christmas!

October, 2020,   “Let’s Make America Great Again” (Written by myself and Rhonnie Scheuerman) is my radio single for October.  It was written and first released in 2011, five years before it was the campaign slogan for the 2016 presidential election.  It occured to me that if Rhonnie (who passed on this past July, were still here, she’d want it released again because of the current election.  Frans Maritz made a video of it when released.   You can see it on youtube:  Let’s Make America Great Again – Judy Welden
Another video version also is there by Tonya Williams: Judy Welden – Let’s Make America Great Again Please check out one or both!

September, 2020, “It’s A Miracle” (my lyrics, music by Roy Crabb)  is my radio single release It was included on Forever Grateful CD in the 90’s and more recently (2018) on Judy Welden Gospel (25th Anniversary) 20 Spongs of Faith CD.  There is a video of this special song on youtube.
Posted there last year, it has so few views, I’m hoping you will check it out.
It’s a positive song, which will touch your (and listeners) heart, especially
during the troubled times we are all in at this time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REtvXXhHHKo

August, 2020, “SOUL SISTERS” (solely written by Judy Welden) is this month’s radio single release.(it’s for Rhonnie Scheuerman, who passed on July 17, 2020).  Ever since we met in the mid 90’s, we always considered ourselves “sisters” as we had so much in common, not just songwriting. Rhon also promoted me with her Promotions Company after I moved to Georgia in 2002.  She submitted me, thus helping me get inducted in International Songwriter’s Hall of Fame (Whis News 21) in 2013 and also Atlanta Country Music Hall of Fame in 2014.  I hope you will click here to read a special story about Rhonnie, written by myself & Frans Maritz and published on Whis News 21 website as well as mine here!

July 2020, “Daddy’s Army Whistle” is radio single release. It was included
on Judy Welden Country Hits 1992-1998 when it was first released.
One Nation was supposed to be the single this month because of Independance Day however due to illness, I didn’t get it out in time.  I’ve made a change due to the 40 year anniversary of  the death of my late husband,  Dick Atwell, who drowned in Colorado on July 9th.  “Daddy’s Army Whistle” is a true story song , except it is not about my daddy, but instead, my late husband, Dick,  (my children’s daddy)and his actual army whistle was used in the recording of the song!
 It really should have been
on my last CD since DJs loved it back when it was first released.  I had chosen 20 songs that were either #1 or in the top 10 of Independent charts for that CD & I regret now it wasn’t included. I solely wrote it and Mike Headrick  made the music tracks.  You can hear it at youtube.com
Click to hear Daddy’s Army Whistle  
CD Baby posted it with no promoting so not that many views yet! Hope you’ll check it out!

New last month: My clever Florida friend, Chatlotte, (with whom I was in a band 30 years ago) came up with the idea that my patented bandana hats could be used as a mask!  I was so impressed that she thought of this for the single-sided hats, with no visor. You can see her, me, another friend & Bill wearing these hats as a  mask below and on the Bandana Hat link.

See more photos + friend wearing hat on Bandana Hat link (Click to see)

April, 2020, Judy is releasing “When I’m Chasing A Dream”,  solely written by Judy.  It was originally released on her Chasing A Dream CD, and more recently on Best of Judy Welden, 20 Favorites.  This songs tells about Judy’s life in various stages! It was produced by Marc Rabins.
When I’m Chasing a Dream (click to hear)

Click on Discography link to see a list of all the single releases for 2020 and all previous albums + single releases!

Happy New Year 2020

On Jan.1st, 2020, released “Anywhere I Hang My Heart is Home” and will be releasing one song each month from the two CDs released in May & July, 2018 just as in 2019!  Ulla Kiel made a video of this song (has special effects)  watch video of Jan single release! 

When searching for this video, found one by Judy Garland from 1964 titled “Anyplace I Hang my Hat is Home”. The genre is jazzy pop and Bill thought my version was much better. Wonder if my dear daddy would have agreed.  He named me after Judy Garland!

Check out Discography Link to see all the single releases for 2020.

2019 News

Judy has been releasing a song to radio stations each month since Jan. 2019. 
Fans may request a free MP3 of these songs when they join her mailing list or join her channel on youtube.  Email and request the song of the month or any one of her songs that you like:  judy@judywelden.com

Judy now has 121 videos on youtube:   Click to view as many as you wish 

Song for month of December, 2019 is: “This Christmas – Spread His Love” –  Watch video
See the other song of months ( Jan to December) at Discograhpy link here.


Judy has written several songs with her German DJ friend, Ursula (aka Ulla) Kiel & will let you know the titles when they are to be released. Ulla is a promoter & is talented at making videos on youtube.  She’s made many of them for Judy’s songs


Download cards may be purchased directly from Judy Welden to
purchase her two latest CDs for $10 each at CD Baby.com  Email Judy:  judy@judywelden.com.  Individual songs cost 99 cents there; however
you can get a free MP3 from Judy when you join her mailing list or
follow her on youtube! 


 If you like Judy Welden’s music and listen to music online, please consider adding these SPOTIFY playlists for your listening enjoyment:  Other artists with similar music played here! 



 Jan. 5, 2019  – Ludo Sterkens, a DJ from Belgium, made Judy


Jan.  2019 – Music Box added for all Judy Welden Songs @ CD Baby:

                                                    Music Box for Judy Welden Songs 


Judy Welden through the years


(Above)  May, 2018

                                                           July,  2016

   Judy at age 40     (below)

Judy in early 20’s


  Latest CD

On July 6, 2018 Judy released a 20-song album, titled “Judy Welden Gospel – 20 Songs of Faith – 25th Anniversary” at CD Baby.com.  They then sent it to their partners, such as Apple, Sony, Spotify, etc.  All 20 songs have done very well on the charts, with 7 of them reaching #1, and the others in the top 10 of the Indie charts!  The first song on the CD “You Are There For Me” stayed at #1 on the popular online “Roots Gospel chart” for a record 18 1/2 weeks!  You can hear all 20 songs (entire song, not clips) at this address:  Judy has Download cards for just $10 that enables you to download all the songs:  email her at judy@judywelden.com to purchase one. You can can also buy individual songs for 99 cents each at CD Baby.  Thanks Ursula Kiel, for the lovely cover design and to Ray Lani, for mastering this CD.  Also thanks for all the co-writers and producers!  Listen and/or download:
 Judy Welden – 20 Songs of Faith – 25th Anniversary (Click here to listen)


In mid August, 2018, Judy added a new page to this site, called Reviews of Albums & Songs after her friend from Honolulu, HI sent her a wonderful review of both new CDs released this summer.  You’ll learn so much about about Judy’s music by checking out this page! Reviews of Albums & Songs


In early July, 2018 Judy added a new page to this website,  called Fan News & Local Services; Hope you’ll check it out: Click to read –  Fan News – Local Services


On  June 16th, 2018, Judy Welden performed with talented Musician, Writer, Singer, Xak,  at Kebab & Curry in Gainesville, GA .
They will performing a special Father’s Day show at the new Restaurant.  Judy wrote a special song for the occasion.

See flyer On Media page!


In May 2018 Judy Welden released her 8th album titled “Best of Judy Welden – 20 Favorites – 25th Anniversary”.  The tracks may be
heard at CD Baby -full songs, not just short clips!  CDs cost $15 – $13
 for album downlnot just short clips!  CDs cost $15 – $13oad at CD Baby; however you may purchase Download cards from Judy for $10.
Email judy@judywelden.com.  You can also buy individual songs for
99 cents each.      Listen and/or download:
CD BABY – BEST OF JUDY WELDEN – Click to hear songs!



                                    Many Videos on youtube.com to check out!!!

Judy Welden has many videos on youtube.com.  CD Baby uploads all her song there.  Some of her
CDs on their website have a few the same songs as other CDs there, so there is nearly 100 of her
song on youtube, by CD Baby alone.  There is another 40 CDs of Judy’s songs that were produced by
Tonya Williams.  Two were produced by LaDanna Cox.  Here are 2 links to check them out:

    Judy’s Song videos with pictures   (Note:  Judy had to delete over 70 of her videos at youtube as Mgr. told her many of the pictures were not avail. for use.  She still has earlier videos with pictures + over 100 posted by CD Baby that just have the album cover of each! Click here to listen to those:                                 Songs on CD Baby with copy of Album cover

(There are few views of the CD Baby songs since they have multiple thousands of artists uploads)

                                                                   Enjoy the videos!

“YourbHandprint on my Heart” released to Worldwide Radio 2/1/17                                                                                                                                                                                     

Your Handprint on my Heart” released to Worldwide Radio 2/1/17 –  (ad by Frans Maritz, WHIS NEWS.com).  Phil York, 3 time-grammy winning Producer, who produced this song in 2012 was to send it to the Grammy team to be nominated for a Grammy; however he died a month before he was to do this.  Even though this song didn’t get a chance to  be nominated,  it goes out to worldwide radio for airplay every Valentines Day and has charted well each time.  in 2017, it was no exception.  Note that at #9, it is on the chart below with the likes of Taylor Swift, Shania Twain, Celine Dionne, Dolly Parton, etc.  

December, 2017 Judy was honored to have 10 of her songs in a Special Christmas Show on German radio MHR24.de, presented by DJ Ursula Kiel (including two Christmas songs). This station is heard worldwide. Ursula (aka Ulla) has been playing Judy’s music for 10 years.  Very talented at making videos, Ulla has made videos of six of Judy’s songs in Dec. 2017.

Judy’s 2015 recognition:  “Diamond of the Decade” and “Woman of the Year 2015: Music Industry” as announced by KC Armstrong on 3/20/15 and 2/06/15 on both Women’s Radio Network, (WRNW1.com) and I ♥ Radio!   It was interesting that they chose this title for Judy, not knowing that the ‘diamond’ is her birthstone .. being born on April 1st!

Nov. 29, 2014: Inducted into Atlanta Country Music Hall of Fame (ACMHF

See Media/Press at top of page for updated News