My friend, Ronda Rich (famous author & storyteller) and I wearing my patented Bandana Hats after her talk @ Brenau U. in May, 2014 Don’t we look adorable!!!
To view or purchase Bandana Hats® Click here
New in May 2020: My clever Florida friend, Chatlotte, (with whom I was in a band 30 years ago) came up with the idea that my patented bandana hats could be used as a mask! I was so impressed that she thought of this for the single-sided hats, with no visor. You can see her, me, another friend, Kelsey & Bill wearing these hats as a mask below: Cost is $8 – 2 for $15
Write to: judywelden@bellsouth.net, giving color preference;
Pay @ paypal.com
Kelsey Simmons Charlotte
Chatlotte Gunkowsky Me (Judy) Bill